Monday, September 16, 2019
6:00-6:30 PM Mix and Mingle
6:30-9:00 PM Networking and Orientation
Chefscape at 180 Maiden Lane, NYC
3rd Floor
Free for New Members Only
So You Joined NYWCA—Now What?
Please join the NYWCA Board and Membership Committee to learn how the Alliance works, how to make the most of your membership, and meet all your fellow new members!
A short presentation will be given about each of the Alliance committees and how you can get involved.
Then, Alliance member Jackie Gordon will lead a powerful networking-in-the-round session to help you maximize the value of being an Alliance member. So, just imagine connecting with every person in the room! You will:
-- Meet EVERY new member and board member attending this event to grow your network.
-- Polish what you say when networking (audio logo, positioning statement, elevator speech, etc.).
-- Share what you do and what you need to take your business / career to the next level with the group.
-- Consider offering your wisdom, skills, and connections to help fellow members.
-- Mingle over drinks and nibbles with all the attendees to follow up and connect after the event.
Photo I.D. is required for security.
4 Volunteers Needed
2 for Set Up, arrive at 5pm
2 for Clean Up
For any questions please email Rhadia Hursey at