Monday, November 4, 2019, 6:00-8:30 PM
Denton's Law Firm
1221 Sixth Avenue, NY, NY

Curious about what happens at NYWCA Board Meetings? Come and find out at the 2019 Open Board Meeting. Hear about our upcoming programs, ongoing projects, and financial health. In addition, there will be an opportunity for members to break into groups to discuss ideas and the best way to execute those ideas to the Board. Light supper will be provided.
Wine Sponsored by Castello Banfi.
The meeting is at Denton's Law Firm located at 1221 Sixth Avenue. You will need to have ID to get through security.
3 Volunteers are needed:
1 for check in
1 for set up
1 for clean up
For questions please contact the event host Rhadia Hursey at nywcapresident@gmail.com